After getting a degree in acting from Boston University and while preparing for a career as an operatic tenor, I found Christian Science on my search for health.
I wasn’t looking for God or a religion. I just needed healing from an asthmatic condition that is considered incurable. I had tried everything from acupuncture to zinc with no lasting results.
I was finally cured through Christian Science prayer treatment.
In that process, I discovered true Christianity as an expression of a God who is Love. And that changed my course.
I’ve always had a deep desire to help people. In school, I was the guy who friends turned to for comfort and counsel. As an adult, that desire to help is fulfilled by my work as a Christian Science Practitioner – responding to requests for healing of all types of difficulties through prayer. I’ve been a practitioner listed in the Christian Science Journal’s worldwide directory for over 33 years.
My own healing experiences as well as those in my practice, have helped give me confidence in choosing the spiritual approach as a first resort.
I’m a former New York City and Minneapolis, Minnesota resident, now living in Vancouver, Washington (across the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon) near our daughter Melanie, our two granddaughters; with my wife, Brenda, a canine behaviorist (think dog whisperer) and Jasper, a charming Havanese dog.